Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Plans!

Hey everyone!
I hope you all are enjoying December & the holidays and all that!

My life has been pretty boring lately. I finished my first 4,000, 2,000 and 800 word papers. I just have another 4,000 word paper to complete by January 16th and I'll  be done for the semester!  4,000 words is about 13-15 pages so the work hasn't been too difficult but I am DEFINITELY counting down the days til my Christmas vacation. I'll be busy every day until vacation starts and I know I won't have time to post as much so I figured I'd give a preview of what posts to expect in the coming weeks.

Carly and I are taking our first (of hopefully many) adventures to continental Europe for Christmas.  We leave December 17 and return to Newcastle December 28.
Here's where we'll be visiting:

I'll include a map for reference.
We're starting out in Paris, France. We'll be there for a few days (just enough to see all the important stuff) and then we're off to Madrid, Spain.  We're spending a bit more time in Madrid so we can also take a day trip to Toledo.  Christmas Eve we're travelling to Barcelona, Spain where we'll spend Christmas! And on the 28th we're returning to Newcastle :)

We're going to hit all the major tourist spots in each city and hopefully have a really awesome time.

I'll have a bunch of photos to post and I'll make sure I get them out ASAP!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays :)