Monday, October 10, 2011

The Pumpkin Episode

I totally forgot to write about this until Haley (hey little!) reminded me of it. *THERE IS A POST AFTER THIS ONE TOO SO READ BOTH PLEASE :) *

My favorite roommate was in the kitchen when I walked in last night and she was boiling something on the stove.  It was BRIGHT ORANGE so I asked her what she was making. She was boiling pumpkin.  I asked her if she was making pumpkin pie (maybe that's all the rage in China?) and she said she wasn't and that in China people eat pumpkin boiled all the time.  I was kind of weirded out because pumpkins don't really taste good unless they're in pie form but I chalked it up to cultural differences and finished heating up my rice packet and went back to my room.

Click Read More to learn more about this pumpkin story

This morning I saw her again and asked how the pumpkin was.  She said it was terrible.  Apparently pumpkins in China are naturally sweet so you can just boil them and eat them like sweet potatoes but English pumpkins are disgusting to eat boiled.  I felt really bad because she bought a whole pumpkin at the store and had to throw away half of it.  I say half because the other, not boiled half is currently sitting on the window sill of the kitchen.  I'm not sure what's going to happen to it but, not my pumpkin, not my problem.


  1. thank god! i was wondering if anyone was going to recognize it hahaha
