Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cooking Disaster and Strange Costumes

My first week in Newcastle is complete! I can’t believe I’ve been here only a week.  It feels so much longer!

Carly and I have explored most of the city surrounding the university and I think we both feel 100x more comfortable now.  I’ve almost mastered travelling by bus which I’m excited about because I’ve never taken city buses before haha!

I’ve been to England 2 times before and I’m completely aware that the English are not known for delicious food and found some really great restaurants so far.  We found this Italian restaurant that makes AMAZING pizza. If I didn’t know any better I’d say the restaurant was somewhere near my house that’s how good it was.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hey everyone :)
After 3 long days without internet I am SO happy to be posting my first update :)

this is going to be kind of a long post but there are many pictures as well :)

Carly and I got to Newark airport at about 3pm on Monday.  The lady at the check-in desk told me to study something more in addition to European History.  She works at an airport check-in desk so I'm going to chalk that one up to having a bad day.

We got on the flight and sat next to each other across the aisle.  On the plane I accidentally sat in Carly's seat but she didn't mind (thanks girl!) so we stayed in our switched seats.  Next to me was a man who grew up in the Olney area of Philadelphia (which is right near La Salle!) I was wearing my sweatshirt so that's how we started our conversation.  Next to Carly was a man whose voice sounded like the devil gargling rocks.  It legitimately confused and terrified me the first time I heard him talk on the flight.  If we hadn't switched seats, I would have been next to scary voice man ah!

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