Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hey everyone :)
After 3 long days without internet I am SO happy to be posting my first update :)

this is going to be kind of a long post but there are many pictures as well :)

Carly and I got to Newark airport at about 3pm on Monday.  The lady at the check-in desk told me to study something more in addition to European History.  She works at an airport check-in desk so I'm going to chalk that one up to having a bad day.

We got on the flight and sat next to each other across the aisle.  On the plane I accidentally sat in Carly's seat but she didn't mind (thanks girl!) so we stayed in our switched seats.  Next to me was a man who grew up in the Olney area of Philadelphia (which is right near La Salle!) I was wearing my sweatshirt so that's how we started our conversation.  Next to Carly was a man whose voice sounded like the devil gargling rocks.  It legitimately confused and terrified me the first time I heard him talk on the flight.  If we hadn't switched seats, I would have been next to scary voice man ah!

Click Read More for the rest

The flight was about 6 hours but it was seemed so quick! I slept for about 3 hours which was wonderful. When we got to Heathrow, there wasn't enough time to make our 1 hr layover so we had to reschedule. There weren't any flights we both could take until 4:30pm so Carly and  I sat in the airport and tried desperately to connect to the WiFi, which turned out not to be free. I went to the Customer Service desk to ask if there were any computers to use and the woman at the desk told me my ticket allowed me to access the Business Lounge and there were computers in there. I didn't pay extra so I'm not sure why I had access but I'm glad I did!

The business lounge looked like a fancy furniture store with a bunch of couches and comfy chairs. They had all kinds of delicious looking free food and drinks. I used the computer to do some updating and printed out a paper and then I stole sodas for Carly and I to share :)

Our flight finally boarded and was only 45 minutes! I'm convinced that all flights should be 45 minutes.  We were barely at 28000 feet when we started our descent.

At Newcastle Airport, we met the Meet & Greet team and registered to get to our housing. We were separated since we live in different areas so that made me a bit panicky but then I remembered I did this once when I was 16 so I could do it again now.

Below are the pictures I took at my residence, St. Mary's College (it's called a college but it's part of Newcastle University Housing) :


This the picture of my apartment building from the outside. It doesn't look like much...and it doesn't necessarily get better but it's safe and close to the laundry room

After you walk into my apartment, Flat J, my door is just to the right.

Aaaand this is my room! I know it looks like the Manor and TC had a baby and this was it but, its clean and right near the shower so it's not so bad

Here's my sink. Yes that is a drying rack

This is the view outside my window. its basically trees and the rest of St. Mary's College

The next day I took a bus to campus and I LOVE the town and surrounding area so far! Its a small city but definitely crowded enough to feel like a busy place.  I saw a KFC, Subway and TK Maxx (Not TJ for some reason) so if I feel like I need a dose of good ol' America, I can go there

Follow the Jump to see the rest of my pictures I took today :) (ps - You AXP boys are definitely going to want to look at the last picture!)

The kitchen

View from outside the kitchen window

The creepy hallway. My room is the grey door on the right

The Hancock Museum on campus. It's like a mini Museum of Natural History.

View from the top of the museum stairs

Entrance to the main part of campus, Kings Gate

Inside King's Gate. Similar to the Main Quad at La Salle

For tourists, like myself, who don't want to get hit by a car.

The main shopping street, Northumberland.  Every kind of store can be found here such as restaurants, electronic stores, clothes stores etc. I specifically went to Costas (like Starbucks) and got a vanilla smoothie which I had constantly when I was in England when I was 15. It was still amazing!

The opposite direction on Northumberland

A bit farther down Northumberland...and yes that is a giant Lady Gaga head.

A working telephone booth. Someone tell the rest of Spring 08 I finally found one.

"God damn it, really?" Is exactly what I said when I saw this. I skyped Carly and she had the same reactions haha. Miss you guys!


  1. your apartment looks so. clean. lol i'm glad your kitchen seems large- are you sharing it with a lot of people? miss you already. i hope all is well- campus looks fab, and you have both city life and world traveling down to a science, so you're def going to have a blast. i hope you keep posting! <3

  2. haha thanks! it is a pretty big kitchen considering how many people are living here. theres 7 people in total but only 1 roommate is here yet. i'll definitely keep posting <3
