Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weekend in London

Hi everyone!

So last weekend Carly and I took our first trip to London!  It was a 3 hour train ride and then a quick tube trip over to our hotel.  On the tube, Carly and I bought Oyster Cards. They're basically debit cards for the tube and they offer discounted rates.  All you do is put money on it as you need it and you can travel the tube! We saved ours for our next London trip. On to our hotel!

We stayed at the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel

This is our room. Two queen beds. Clearly too fancy for the likes of Carly and I. 

Quite possibly the best rain shower ever 

 The fancy chicken burger from room service.

Our hotel was in a prime location.  It was close to a tube station and we could see some famous monuments right out our window!

 I forget what this building is called but it's a famous London building I swear.

 Chew Street?

 Tower Bridge and the Tower of London on the other side of our window.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The St. Mary's Singer, Travelling and a New Flatmate

(*Please note: This post was written 2 days ago and I didn't get around to posting it today so that's why the tenses of my sentences may be different)

Hi everyone

I'd like to introduce you all to a new character in the St. Mary's Family, The St. Mary's Singer (or SMS as she will be referred to hence forth).

Ever since I moved into my flat, every once in a while, I'd hear someone singing in the flat next to me.  It was always pretty muffled and I couldn't tell if it was a person singing or loud music playing. My room is at the end of the hallway and beyond my room's wall is a room in the next flat.  Normally it's pretty infrequent and only during the day. But lately it's gotten much worse.

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