Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The St. Mary's Singer, Travelling and a New Flatmate

(*Please note: This post was written 2 days ago and I didn't get around to posting it today so that's why the tenses of my sentences may be different)

Hi everyone

I'd like to introduce you all to a new character in the St. Mary's Family, The St. Mary's Singer (or SMS as she will be referred to hence forth).

Ever since I moved into my flat, every once in a while, I'd hear someone singing in the flat next to me.  It was always pretty muffled and I couldn't tell if it was a person singing or loud music playing. My room is at the end of the hallway and beyond my room's wall is a room in the next flat.  Normally it's pretty infrequent and only during the day. But lately it's gotten much worse.

Click 'Read More' to see the rest!

Last week, the SMS began her opus at 2:30 am with guitar accompaniment.  I had not yet fallen asleep so I figured she would soon stop but she didn't.  Half an hour later I'm wide awake hating this girl with every fiber of my being.  She was singing so loud that I could tell she wasn't singing in English.  So I balled up my fist and pounded on my wall like a maniac in the hopes that she would cut it out.

She stopped immediately.

It's happened at least 3 more times since then at all hours of the day, night and early morning.  Tomorrow I will take action.  I'll let you know how that goes.

PS - The only reason I think it's a girl is because the time I heard her the loudest, her voice sounded too high to be a guys voice.

UPDATE as of 2/8/12: I took action.  I did the unthinkable. I became a note writer.  I know it's totally outrageous and completely against everything I believe in but I wasn't about to knock on their door to tell them to be quiet. And since I didn't have to live with these people and see them every day, I decided to write the entire flat a note requesting they respect an appropriate noise level during the evening hours.

Turns out my note didn't work because that very night I heard SMS singing her little heart out for half an hour. If it happens again tonight, I'm going to reception and reporting their asses.

On to happier topics!

My French flatmate moved out last week to get couples accommodation with her boyfriend. AND CARLY IS MOVING INTO HER ROOM! Yup Carly and I will once again be roommates and we are so excited! My flatmates are looking forward to it too (even the alleged Note Writer!).  The big move in day is Wednesday of this week :)

Thursday to Sunday of this week, Carly and I are taking our first trip to London! We finally got our acts together and planned a weekend trip.  Its wildly expensive in London but we're still doing all the main touristy things and even managed to get play tickets so next week's blog post will be all about London.

Today Carly and I met in town to finalize our Big Trip plans in March-April. After 2 consecutive days of meeting and planning, we finally got everything completed in 4 hours, a personal best for the both of us! Here are the cities we're visiting:

When we get all the details in order I'll be able to share more about that as well!

Also, I know I said I was going to post about reader statistics tonight but I'm lazy and don't feel like it right now but it'll be in the next post I swear!

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