Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Final Countdown

The title of this post pretty much explains everything.

Exactly two months from today I will be back in the USA!

I can't believe my year is almost over. Crazy. I'll make sure to compile a "farewell post" soon. Not soon enough. BUT until September 3, I've still got a LOT to do here in Newcastle/elsewhere.

First off, Carly and I are taking another trip to Europe. We're going to Amsterdam and Brussels!! The cool part about this trip is that we're not taking any flights the entire trip. We'll be getting on a overnight ferry cruise to Amsterdam, taking a bus to Brussels and then taking a train from Brussels to Newcastle (with a connection in London).  That'll be our last trip until we each come home.  We're going to have a blast and I already can't wait to post about it :)

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