Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Final Countdown

The title of this post pretty much explains everything.

Exactly two months from today I will be back in the USA!

I can't believe my year is almost over. Crazy. I'll make sure to compile a "farewell post" soon. Not soon enough. BUT until September 3, I've still got a LOT to do here in Newcastle/elsewhere.

First off, Carly and I are taking another trip to Europe. We're going to Amsterdam and Brussels!! The cool part about this trip is that we're not taking any flights the entire trip. We'll be getting on a overnight ferry cruise to Amsterdam, taking a bus to Brussels and then taking a train from Brussels to Newcastle (with a connection in London).  That'll be our last trip until we each come home.  We're going to have a blast and I already can't wait to post about it :)

Click Read More!

In reference to stuff I posted about a while ago...

I'm still in the process of those 2 job applications. Which is lame. But hopefully I hear something back soon!

For the volunteer opportunity mentioned, I will be volunteering some of my free time to give back to Gamma Phi Beta, my sorority. This Fall, I will be my chapter's Public Relation Advisor!  As of yesterday, I finished my Gamma Phi Beta Collegiate Advisor Development modules!  These modules provide training and information for prospective advisors.   I'll be a part of the chapter's Advisory Board who are other alumnae who have volunteered to advise certain aspects of our chapter.  I'm really looking forward to this opportunity and being involved with Gamma Phi Beta as an alumna.

In other Gamma Phi Beta news, Carly and I met up with a GPhi from the UK.  Her name is Alex and she was initiated while studying abroad at Arizona State University. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Salsa's and had an awesome time! (Shout out to Alex!!). It's a really cool feeling knowing that, literally, anywhere in the world, there are Gamma Phi Betas.

In May, Carly and I went to London again.  We were meeting up with our friends Caroline and Jill who were travelling through Europe (and are ALSO Gamma Phi Betas).  It was so great to go out and get drinks and catch up! We were comparing European travel stories and managed to find a strangely delicious burger place that was open at 4am.

We also managed to see the Warner Brothers Studio Harry Potter Tour! It was AMAZING!!! It's on par with going to Disney World.  Probably my favorite thing I've ever done in London.  All props/costumes/set pieces are 100% original, as this is the studio where the majority of HP was filmed.


 The cupboard under the stairs!

 The Great Hall

 Entrance doors from the inside

 Professor's costumes

 Paintings like these were hand made and distressed to look thousands of years old.

 House points

 Wands of each of the main characters

 Mirror of Erised

 Gryffindor Common Room portrait
 Sweaters from Harry's first Christmas at Hogwarts

 Entrance to Dumbledore's office

 Time Turner

 Golden Snitch and Crystal Goblet

 Goblet of Fire

 Potions Class

 Dumbledore's Office

 Tom Riddle's Diary and basilisk tooth

 Entrance to the Chamber of Secrets

 Lucius, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy costumes

 Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort Costumes

 Riddle Family Grave

 Chess Pieces from Sorcerer's Stone

 Knight Bus

 Diagon Alley

 Ollivander's Wand Shop

 Scale model of Hogwarts, used for scenery shots of the castle.  Before you get to see this, there's a short hallway and then you turn a corner and BAM. Hogwarts. You can see how massive it really is by looking at the people at the right of the picture. They're probably 50 feet away from where I was standing. It was truly breathtaking to see all the detail put into this one prop.

And of course, Platform 9 3/4 in King's Cross Station. Our trains to Newcastle always arrive and depart from King's Cross so it was a totally convenient trip to get this picture!

We also went to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

Audrey Hepburn

Prince Harry, Prince Charles and Camilla

The Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth II, me, Princess Kate and Prince William (note the succession statement Madame Tussauds is making my putting Will & Kate near the Queen!)

Stephen Hawking

Van Gogh

Lady Gaga!

The Pope


Winston Churchill

It was a blast!

Soo that's it for now. Look for another post about Amsterdam/Brussels later this month!
xoxo Becca

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