Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hi Everyone!

I created this blog so I could keep in touch with everyone while I was at grad school in Newcastle.  Newcastle is located where that yellow star is on the map on this page (If you can't see the star, just Google search Newcastle).

I'll be in Newcastle from September 2011 to September 2012 getting my Master's degree in European History.  My lovely friend and Gamma Phi Beta sister Carly will be joining me and she will be getting her Master's degree in International Relations: Globalization, Poverty and Development.

I figured this would be a better way to share my experiences with everyone instead of having to make too many expensive phone calls or type 1,000 emails.

I'll try to keep my posts as entertaining as possible and I promise to share many pictures as well. Knowing me and my uncanny ability to attract strange people to talk to me, everyone who reads this will surely be in for a real treat and really good stories every once in a while haha :)

So what is Newcastle like?  Many people have been asking me this so here are some links here for you to check out.

Virtual Tour of Newcastle and the University
This link will allow you to take virtual tours of the city of Newcastle as well as the university.  Carly and I looked at this when we were deciding on which university to choose and it really helped sway our opinion.**To rake a virtual tour of where I'll be living for the next year, click on 'Accommodation' and then click the right arrow until you see 'St. Mary's College

Newcastle upon Tyne Wikipedia
I'm sure the first thing you'd click on when researching Newcastle is the Wikipedia link (because that's what I did haha!)  This link offers a much more detailed description of Newcastle.  It can get boring so if you skip down to the 'Culture' section, you won't fall asleep reading.

Official Tourism Website
This has all the tourist information you could need.