Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Dark Side of Internet Applications

I've accomplished many administrative things to prepare for my travels to Newcastle.  Here is all I have left to do!:
- Get my Visa application approved by the UKBA (UK Border Agency)
- Buy a plane ticket

I'm very anxious to get my visa approved because I went through hell trying to complete the forms.  Let me share with you the story of what happened the first time I attempted to complete the Visa application:

It was an average day in my life.  I was beginning to fill out the lengthy Visa Tier 4 Student form on the UKBA website.  Everything was going swimmingly.  I had paid my fee, scheduled my fingerprinting appointment and confirmed the application.  I decided to check over my printed paperwork just to make sure I had filled in everything correctly.  As I read through my application, my heart stopped and i stared in awe at what I had done.

I had entered this address as my permanent location:
My correct street number and address
Cranford, New Jersey, UGANDA 07016

Yes folks, I had put Uganda as my home country instead of the USA.

After a few moments of panic, I went to my Mom to tell her the stupid mistake I had made.  Not sure if she would be mad or concerned I approached her with caution and explained what happened.  

She promptly burst out laughing.  "Hahahahaha you did what? Hahaha I didn't know they had a Cranford in Uganda. You should Google it and see what it's like in your hometown hahahahaha..." These were only a fraction of the hilarious one-liners my Mom threw out at me.  

Luckily we were able to get a full refund for my first application and were able to complete a second application the next day with my correct USA address.

So let this be a lesson to all who fill out government forms in the what you do and don't make dumbass mistakes like I did!

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