Friday, November 25, 2011

Fire Drills and Pokemon Cards

Hello all my readers on this delightful Friday night!

Let me tell you the tale of what happened to me in the last 30 minutes.  What I am about to tell you may seem unbelievable, but I swear its true.  Just ask Carly, who was on the phone with me the whole time for reasons I will state later.

At approximately 10:33 pm, I was relaxing in my room about to start watching a movie on my computer.  The opening credits were playing when I heard a muffled whistling sound.  I sighed, "God damn it," and got out of bed just as the fire alarm was blaring on full volume inside my tiny yellow room.  I had to find sweatpants, shoes, a jacket, remember my keys, phone and glasses as I trudged out of my room.  My flatmates were screaming in their native language to each other which only added to my dislike of the situation.  We all safely made it outside.

I was used to this quick emergency action late at night because last Friday we also had a fire drill.  The same no-fun-on-Friday-bunch of us who were there last week were out in full force tonight.  I was rocking my red wool coat, yoga pants and flip flips and I was one of the better dressed in the bunch.  I'm not sure what was more embarrassing: my outfit or the fact that everyone in St. Mary's now knows I also do nothing on Friday nights.


As a preemptive strike against awkward conversations, I immediately called Carly.  This was the opening of our conversation:

Carly: Hey what's up
Me: Nothing, just enjoying the night air. had a fire drill again didn't you? And you're standing outside right now aren't you?
Me: Yup.

Click Read More to see the rest!

I narrated the entire ordeal to Carly as I waited to be let back inside.  I noted that one of my flatmates had her boyfriend over.  I didn't realize he was here but I'm sure I would have the next time I went to the bathroom and found the seat up.# aggravation

Last week during the fire drill, this kid came up to me and made awkward conversation the ENTIRE 20 minutes.  In case he was there again, I made sure I was busy by having Carly on the phone.

Well speak of the devil, not 3 minutes into being outside, the kid shows up!  Luckily I was having a  "serious conversation"  with Carly so I couldn't talk.  And our "serious conversation" conveniently lasted the entire drill.  I made sure Carly knew how important it was for her to stay on the phone with me and she was more than willing to help a sista out of an awkward situation.  If she had hung up on me, I would have surely hung up on our friendship.

As soon as the fire trucks pulled up, all of my flatmates (and only my flatmates) whipped out their cameras and started taking pictures.  Why they had their cameras with them is beyond me.

I survey the situation further and discover that in the midst of everything...3 other residents pulled Pokemon cards out of NOWHERE and started playing right in the middle of the crowd.  I immediately walked 20 feet away so I could tell Carly what was happening because for a second I didn't really believe what I was seeing.

I've decided I can never be seen at a Friday night fire drill again.

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